Level 0 (6) |
5 |
Detect Magic |
60 ft. |
Concentration, up to 8 min. (D) |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. |
5 |
Flare |
45 ft. |
Instantaneous |
1 s.a. |
V |
Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls). |
5 |
Ghost Sound |
45 ft. |
8 rounds (D) |
1 s.a. |
V, S, M |
Figment sounds. |
5 |
Light |
Touch |
80 min. (D) |
1 s.a. |
V, M/DF |
Object shines like a torch. |
5 |
Mage Hand |
45 ft. |
Concentration |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
5-pound telekinesis. |
5 |
Ray Of Frost |
45 ft. |
Instantaneous |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
Ray deals 1d3 cold damage. |
5 |
Read Magic |
Personal |
80 min. |
1 s.a. |
V, S, F |
Read scrolls and spellbooks. |
5 |
Resistance |
Touch |
1 minute |
1 s.a. |
V, S, M/DF |
Subject gains +1 on saving throws. |
Level 1 (7) |
4 |
Endure Elements |
Touch |
24 hours |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. |
4 |
Mage Armor |
Touch |
8 hours (D) |
1 s.a. |
V, S, F |
Gives subject +4 armor bonus. |
4 |
Magic Missile |
180 ft. |
Instantaneous |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5). |
4 |
Ray Of Enfeeblement |
45 ft. |
8 min. |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
Ray deals 1d6 +1 per two levels Str damage. |
4 |
Shield |
Personal |
8 min. (D) |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles. |
Level 2 (7) |
7 |
Acid Arrow |
720 ft. |
3 rounds |
1 s.a. |
V, S, M, F |
Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round +1 round/three levels. |
7 |
Glitterdust |
180 ft. |
8 rounds |
1 s.a. |
V, S, M |
Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. |
7 |
Resist Energy |
Touch |
80 min. |
1 s.a. |
V, S, DF |
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. |
Level 3 (6) |
6 |
Dispel Magic |
180 ft. |
Instantaneous |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
Cancels magical spells and effects. |
6 |
Fireball |
720 ft. |
Instantaneous |
1 s.a. |
V, S, M |
1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius. |
Level 4 (4) |
4 |
Charm Monster |
45 ft. |
8 days |
1 s.a. |
V, S |
Makes monster believe it is your ally. |